This study assesses the use of ICT in teaching biology in selected secondary schools. Specifically, the study examines the extent is ICT used in teaching biology in secondary schools, whether the use of ICT is important in the teaching of biology in secondary schools, finds out whether the use of ICT in teaching biology in secondary schools improves academic performance and examines the challenges of using ICT to teach biology in secondary schools. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 200 responses were validated from the survey. The study adopts the Jerome Bruner‟s Cognitive Theory of Instruction. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings reveals that the extent ICT used in teaching biology in secondary schools is very high. Furthermore, the use of ICT is important in the teaching of biology in secondary schools. The study recommends that Government should ensure that ICT policy statements in education are translated into reality. An ICT policy implementation commission should be created. This commission should be funded and given the power to provide ICT facilities in Nigerian Secondary schools and also empowered to monitor their usage. The study further recommends that adequate ICT resources, including the internet, need to be provided in schools for teaching and learning Biology and other subjects.